EasyPHP on Windows 7

EasyPHP is an application that you install on your Windows computer which you can use as a development system for PHP / Apache and mySQL databases.

It can be downloaded form http://www.easyphp.org/ and I find it a very good way to develop applications using PHP on my Windows computer.

EasyPHP contains a single exectuable which when run, installs PHP, Apache web server and a mySQL database onto your Windows computer.  All very neat and convenient to use.

However, when I tried to install on Windows 7 I came across a number of issues with Apache and with mySQL.

When I launched the software, Apache wouldn’t start.  Here is the error :

Apache cannot run: another Web server is using the Web port or port is blocked by firewall.

To overcome this issue :

1. Click the EasyPHP icon beside the “Apache” button.
2. Click “Configure” then click “EasyPHP“.
3. Uncheck “Check server’s TCP port before starting” then click “Apply” button and then “Close” button.
4. Click “Apache” button and then click “Start“.

That fixes the “Apache cannot run…” problem.

The above gets the Apache server to work but after I closed EasyPHP and ran it again, I got this second error message :

Unexpected end of MySql… See log file?

This is a mySQL error message and is actually a file permission problem.

So I changed the user permission for the EasyPHP directory and mySQL correctly started.

To set your permissions this is what you do :

1. Open and view Drive C using the windows explorer, then double click “Program Files” assuming that you installed EasyPHP in that folder.
2. Right click on the folder where you installed EasyPHP then click “Properties“.
3. On “Security” tab click “Edit…” button.
4. Select the user that you are currently using.  This will probably be something like “Users (computer name)”
5. Under “Permissions for Users” box, tick “Full control” on “Allow” column.
6. And then click “OK” button to apply the changes.

Now you should be able to start mySQL server by clicking “mySQL” button on EasyPHP dialog and then click “Start“.  Or shut down EasyPHP and restart it again.

Hopefully that will solve issues when working with Windows 7 and EasyPHP.

EasyPHP on Windows 7

EasyPHP is an application that you install on your Windows computer which you can use as a development system for PHP / Apache and mySQL databases.

It can be downloaded form http://www.easyphp.org/ and I find it a very good way to develop applications using PHP on my Windows computer.

EasyPHP contains a single exectuable which when run, installs PHP, Apache web server and a mySQL database onto your Windows computer. All
very neat an convenient to use.

However, when I tried to install on Windows 7 I came across a number of issues with Apache and with mySQL.

When I launched the software, Apache wouldn’t start. Here is the error :

Apache cannot run: another Web server is using the Web port or port is blocked by firewall.

To overcome this issue :

1. Click the EasyPHP icon beside the “Apache” button.
2. Click “Configure” then click “EasyPHP“.
3. Uncheck “Check server’s TCP port before starting” then click “Apply” button and then “Close” button.
4. Click “Apache” button and then click “Start“.

That fixes the “Apache cannot run…” problem.

The above gets the Apache server to work but after I closed EasyPHP and ran it again, I got this second error message :

Unexpected end of MySql… See log file?

This is a mySQL error message and is actually a file permission problem.

So I changed the user permission for the EasyPHP directory and mySQL correctly started.

To set your permissions this is what you do :

1. Open and view Drive C using the windows explorer, then double click “Program Files” assuming that you installed EasyPHP in that folder.
2. Right click on the folder where you installed EasyPHP then click “Properties“.
3. On “Security” tab click “Edit…” button.
4. Select the user that you are currently using. This will probably be something like “Users (computer name)”
5. Under “Permissions for Users” box, tick “Full control” on “Allow” column.
6. And then click “OK” button to apply the changes.

Now you should be able to start mySQL server by clicking “mySQL” button on EasyPHP dialog and then click “Start“. Or shut down EasyPHP and restart it again.

Hopefully that will solve issues when working with Windows 7 and EasyPHP.

EasyPHP on Windows 7

How to fix Apache and MySQL problem

EasyPHP is an application that you install on your Windows computer and use as a development system for PHP / Apache and mySQL databases.

It can be downloaded form http://www.easyphp.org/

However, when I tried to install on Windows 7 I came across a number of issues with Apache and with mySQL.

This article


solved the problems for me.

EasyPHP on Windows 7

EasyPHP is an application that you install on your Windows PC and provides a development enviromment for Apache, mySQL and PHP.

You can download it from http://www.easyphp.org/

When I tried to install it on Windows 7 I came across a number of problems with Apache and mySQL.

This article


solves these problems for me and may by usefull to others.

Placing Google Anayltics Javascript code into the template system of PHP-eSeller

If you want to track the PHP-eSeller template driven shopping cart pages using Google Anaytic Javascript code then the best place for the code is in the file ‘footer.htm’ which is located in the /templates/ folder.

Just make sure that the Javascript code goes between the <patTemplate:tmpl name=”footer”> and </patTemplate:tmpl> and not outsite of those tags.

You should be able to test it by just looking at the source of the shopping cart web page when you display it in the browser.  You should see the Javascript code somewhere near the bottom of the page.

Creating a database user with myPHPAdmin

PHP-eSeller, PHP-SecureArea and PHP-KeyCodes all require a mySQL database and hence require a database username and password. Normally you will interact with the mySQL database using a control panel which will incorporate tools to easily create database and users. These facilities are provided by your web host and will be the best way to create database users.

However, with some web hosts it may be necessary to to create a user using myPHPAdmin.

To creating a user using the myPHPAdmin interface, asuming that you are logged in to myPHPAdmin with full previleges :

In a sql text box enter :

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON eseller.* TO eselleruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'piggy911';

This above assumes that ‘eseller’ is the name of the database, ‘eselleruser’ is the name of the database user and ‘piggy911’ is the password.

This will create a user with select, insert, update and delete previlages which is all that is required for a normal user.

NOTE that to create tables the user needs to have create table privileges which can be given by changing the the sql to

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON eseller.* TO eselleruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'piggy911';

WordPress 2.6 update

WordPress 2.6 is out now and ready for install.  Here are only some of the improvements WordPress 2.5 has over WordPress 2.6:

  • Word count! Never guess how many words are in your post anymore.
  • Image captions, so you can add sweet captions like Political Ticker does under your images.
  • Bulk management of plugins.
  • A completely revamped image control to allow for easier inserting, floating, and resizing. It’s now fully integrated with the WYSIWYG.
  • Drag-and-drop reordering of Galleries.
  • Plugin update notification bubble.
  • Customizable default avatars.
  • You can now upload media when in full-screen mode.
  • Remote publishing via XML-RPC and APP is now secure (off) by default, but you can turn it on easily through the options screen.
  • Full SSL support in the core, and the ability to force SSL for security.
  • You can now have many thousands of pages or categories with no interface issues.
  • Ability to move your wp-config file and wp-content directories to a custom location, for “clean” SVN checkouts.
  • Select a range of checkboxes with “shift-click.”
  • You can toggle between the Flash uploader and the classic one.
  • A number of proactive security enhancements, including cookies and database interactions.
  • Stronger better faster versions of TinyMCE, jQuery, and jQuery UI.

Download from : http://wordpress.org/download/

Finding the full path name (absolute path) of a folder

With many applications it is neccessary to find the full path name of a folder and then enter it into the admin area of the application. This is required in PHP-eSeller to identify the location of the digital files, and it is required in PHP-SecureArea to define the secure folders.

Download, unzip, and ftp to the location of the folder and then call the file in your browser – http://www.example.com/images/absolutepath.php

Click here to download the file absolutepath.zip

Another way of finding the full path name is to log in to the admin pages of PHP-eSeller or PHP-SecureArea and click on the menu item ‘PHP Info’ and look for SCRIPT_FILENAME. That will give you the full file name of that file you are looking at. From that you should beable to work backwards to the root of your web site or to any other part of your site.

Note that the full path name of the folder is not the same as the http url of the folder directory – it will not work.