With many applications it is neccessary to find the full path name of a folder and then enter it into the admin area of the application. This is required in PHP-eSeller to identify the location of the digital files, and it is required in PHP-SecureArea to define the secure folders.
Download, unzip, and ftp to the location of the folder and then call the file in your browser – http://www.example.com/images/absolutepath.php
Click here to download the file absolutepath.zip
Another way of finding the full path name is to log in to the admin pages of PHP-eSeller or PHP-SecureArea and click on the menu item ‘PHP Info’ and look for SCRIPT_FILENAME. That will give you the full file name of that file you are looking at. From that you should beable to work backwards to the root of your web site or to any other part of your site.
Note that the full path name of the folder is not the same as the http url of the folder directory – it will not work.