This posts illustrates a relatively simple shopping cart in PHP using sessions to store cart details, quantities and total cart amount. The cart has an add to cart button , remove from cart button and displays the total value of the cart.
This post is taken from part of the book PHP Tutorials: Programming with PHP and MySQL which is available as a paper back printed version or as a downloadable Kindle version. Click here for paper back version.
The following listing is the complete shopping cart in PHP:
<?php session_start(); #cart.php - A simple shopping cart with add to cart, and remove links //--------------------------- //initialize sessions //Define the products and cost $products = array("product A", "product B", "product C"); $amounts = array("19.99", "10.99", "2.99"); //Load up session if ( !isset($_SESSION["total"]) ) { $_SESSION["total"] = 0; for ($i=0; $i< count($products); $i++) { $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = 0; $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0; } } //--------------------------- //Reset if ( isset($_GET['reset']) ) { if ($_GET["reset"] == 'true') { unset($_SESSION["qty"]); //The quantity for each product unset($_SESSION["amounts"]); //The amount from each product unset($_SESSION["total"]); //The total cost unset($_SESSION["cart"]); //Which item has been chosen } } //--------------------------- //Add if ( isset($_GET["add"]) ) { $i = $_GET["add"]; $qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i] + 1; $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty; $_SESSION["cart"][$i] = $i; $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty; } //--------------------------- //Delete if ( isset($_GET["delete"]) ) { $i = $_GET["delete"]; $qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i]; $qty--; $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty; //remove item if quantity is zero if ($qty == 0) { $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0; unset($_SESSION["cart"][$i]); } else { $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty; } } ?> <h2>List of All Products</h2> <table> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th width="10px"> </th> <th>Amount</th> <th width="10px"> </th> <th>Action</th> </tr> <?php for ($i=0; $i< count($products); $i++) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo($products[$i]); ?></td> <td width="10px"> </td> <td><?php echo($amounts[$i]); ?></td> <td width="10px"> </td> <td><a href="?add=<?php echo($i); ?>">Add to cart</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"><a href="?reset=true">Reset Cart</a></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ( isset($_SESSION["cart"]) ) { ?> <br/><br/><br/> <h2>Cart</h2> <table> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th width="10px"> </th> <th>Qty</th> <th width="10px"> </th> <th>Amount</th> <th width="10px"> </th> <th>Action</th> </tr> <?php $total = 0; foreach ( $_SESSION["cart"] as $i ) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo( $products[$_SESSION["cart"][$i]] ); ?></td> <td width="10px"> </td> <td><?php echo( $_SESSION["qty"][$i] ); ?></td> <td width="10px"> </td> <td><?php echo( $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] ); ?></td> <td width="10px"> </td> <td><a href="?delete=<?php echo($i); ?>">Delete from cart</a></td> </tr> <?php $total = $total + $_SESSION["amounts"][$i]; } $_SESSION["total"] = $total; ?> <tr> <td colspan="7">Total : <?php echo($total); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?>
The cart example uses the following sessions to maintain the state of the cart:
$_SESSION[“qty”][i] Stores the quantity for each product
$_SESSION[“amounts”][i] Stores the price from each product
$_SESSION[“cart”][i] Identifies which items have been added to the cart
$_SESSION[“total”] Stores the total cost
The sessions are actually arrays so in the case of:
is the quantity for the element with number i.
Description of the PHP shopping cart code
We start by defining PHP to use sessions by:
This has to be at the very top of the PHP page.
Next we set up our products and populate our sessions. In this example we are using a fixed array of product descriptions and amounts. You may want to do this in your application or you could read in the data into the $product and $amounts array from a database.
//--------------------------- //initialise sessions //Define the products and cost $products = array("product A", "product B", "product C"); $amounts = array("19.99", "10.99", "2.99"); if ( !isset($_SESSION["total"]) ) { $_SESSION["total"] = 0; for ($i=0; $i< count($products); $i++) { $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = 0; $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0; } }
The following code will reset and clear the sessions when the Reset Cart link is selected.
//--------------------------- //Reset if ( isset($_GET['reset']) ) { if ($_GET["reset"] == 'true') { unset($_SESSION["qty"]); //The quantity for each product unset($_SESSION["amounts"]); //The amount from each product unset($_SESSION["total"]); //The total cost unset($_SESSION["cart"]); //Which item has been chosen } }
The following code adds an item to the sessions when the ‘Add to Cart’ link is clicked:
//--------------------------- //Add if ( isset($_GET["add"]) ) { $i = $_GET["add"]; $qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i] + 1; $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty; $_SESSION["cart"][$i] = $i; $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty; }
and the following deletes an item from the cart when the ‘Delete from Cart’ link is clicked:
//--------------------------- //Delete if ( isset($_GET["delete"]) ) { $i = $_GET["delete"]; $qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i]; $qty--; $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty; //remove item if quantity is zero if ($qty == 0) { $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0; unset($_SESSION["cart"][$i]); } else { $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty; } }
The rest of the code is the visual display using a table and various loops to show the product lists and the cart details together with the links.
This post is taken from part of the book PHP Tutorials: Programming with PHP and MySQL which is available as a paper back printed version or as a downloadable Kindle version. Click here for paper back version.
PHP-eSeller is a complete application that utilizes a shopping cart using PHP Sessions and is available from here: