An eCheck is when the customer only has a bank account, and not a credit card or additional form of payment to back up their account should their account be overdrawn when PayPal tries to debit it, so PayPal doesn’t pay you for 3-5 days while they wait for the money to transfer.
All withinweb applications (PHP-SecureArea, PHP-eSeller, or PHP-Keycodes) are able to handle Checks and in addition, will automatically send an email to the purchaser informing them that they have paid by eCheck and that there will be a delay before purchase is complete. Once the eCheck has cleared the application (PHP-SecureArea, PHP-eSeller, or PHP-Keycodes) will complete the process in the normal way and send the appropriate emails to the customer all without intervention by yourself.
When we recieve an eCheck purchase we often send an additional email to the customer just to further explain the situation and maintain a relationship with the customer.
In fact there are many situations where there can be a delay in payment being completed. All these situations are automatically handled by applications.
There can be customer service nightmares when people use eChecks in PayPal. Most customers don’t know what it is, and PayPal appears not to warn them. Providing that you inform the customer, there should not be a problem and you can maintain your relationship with the customer.