PHP-eSeller, PHP-SecureArea and PHP-KeyCodes all require a mySQL database and hence require a database username and password. Normally you will interact with the mySQL database using a control panel which will incorporate tools to easily create database and users. These facilities are provided by your web host and will be the best way to create database users.
However, with some web hosts it may be necessary to to create a user using myPHPAdmin.
To creating a user using the myPHPAdmin interface, asuming that you are logged in to myPHPAdmin with full previleges :
In a sql text box enter :
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON eseller.* TO eselleruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'piggy911';
This above assumes that ‘eseller’ is the name of the database, ‘eselleruser’ is the name of the database user and ‘piggy911’ is the password.
This will create a user with select, insert, update and delete previlages which is all that is required for a normal user.
NOTE that to create tables the user needs to have create table privileges which can be given by changing the the sql to
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON eseller.* TO eselleruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'piggy911';