Getting more site hits

Here are a few basic points on getting more hits for your site.

* Make sure body text is optimised for keywords.

* Make sure title tags are well written and different for each page and reflect the page content.

* Submit to search engines, although once they have been submitted, the search engines are very good at re-crawling at regular intervals.  A way of submitting to search engines to to create an xml file of you site and submit that to the search engines.

* Look for other sites where you can advertise your products which may mean paying.

* Look at google adwords or other similar forms of advertising.

* Create a Google Analytic account to monitor traffic and keyword success.

* Provide content that will encorage people to return to your site e.g. free stuff, regular updates of information.

* Provide a newsletter or other means of keeping in contacts with people.

* Provide some kind of two way interaction, e.g. a forum discussion system

Posted in SOE

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