This describes how to set up the SMTP email for use with PHP-eSeller, PHP-SecureArea, PHP-KeyCodes.
You may find that you web server is not sending out emails as well as you would like. Shared web servers sometimes have issues with how quickly the email is sent out and the headers in the emails.
To use an external SMPT service all you have to do is change the config.php file.
If you look at the config.php file there are some settings near the bottom of the page which should explain it.
$smtpuse = false; //set to true if you are going to use smtp
$smtphost = “smtp_server_host_here”; //The smtp host that you are using
$smtpusername = “smtp_user_name_here”; //Your smtp username
$smtppassword = “smtp_passord_here”; //Your smtp password
You change the smtpuser to true and you need a host name, username and password for the SMTP service.