Next step for PHP Tutorials eBook

The eBooks is on sale on the Amazon web site and hence is available for Kindle devices.  It is also available as a PDF download which may be purchased from my web site

The next step is to make the eBook more widely available through other stores and other formats and to create a forum where purchasers of the book can more easily ask questions and discuss PHP coding issues.

In the mean time you are quite welcome to ask questions via my email.

The eBooks PHP-Tutorials has been updated

The content structure has been re-arranged slightly to improve navigation and a new section has been added on an introduction to WordPress plugins.  This section goes through developing a number of admin pages that might be required for a plugin.   All the code is provided as with other code examples and I hope to add more to this section shortly.

It is now possible to purchase the eBook as a PDF version from the web site

New PHP script to register users on your site

PHP-Register is a new PHP / mySQL application that is used to easily create forms that collect data from your visitors before they are directed to a page of your choice.

The application is easy to instal on on Linux type web server or Windows web server providing it has PHP and mySQL.

In the administration pages you can create forms with each form having input boxes of text, textarea, drop down lists, checkboxes or radio buttons.  Each input may have validation allowing you to define the data that a visitor can enter.

For full details, refer to

Using different PHP versions on your web site

Sometimes it may be necessary to use a different version of PHP on a web folder rather than the default.  This may be when you have an application that only works on later versions of PHP as it contains functions that only work on later versions of PHP.

On some web servers this can be done using AddHandler in an htaccess file in the folder that you want a different version of PHP in.

So for version PHP 5.1

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php4 .php .php3 .php2 .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php4 .php .php3 .php2 .phtml

You should check with your hosting to make sure that this will work of course.