WordPress PHP-KeyCodes is a WordPress Plugin to sell software license keys, product keys, serial keys, mobile phone codes and any other pre-generated license codes.
The plugin is available from here:
It is similar to the stand alone application PHP-KeyCodes which is described on:
If you are a software developer, then using license keys is a way to ensure that your products are safe and secure. You use this application to automatically distribute the codes after payment from PayPal.
The pin numbers are listed in the database one entry per line. When a purchase is made, PayPal sends an IPN notification to the plugin which then extracts the first pin number, sends it to the purchaser and then removes that pin number from the list.
The email sent to the purchaser contains the pin number or key code, and you will receive a copy of the email.
The sales history listing also identifies which pin number has been sold to the purchaser.
A local test system is included which allows you to test without connecting to PayPal.
Setting a value in the Lower Limit entry box causes an email to be sent to the administrator when the minimum number of key codes has been reached.
The system has a high level of security in that the license key code will not be sent out until the correct PayPal return code is received with the correct purchase values. The system checks that the database value is the same as the amount that has been spent, and the currency code is the correct value. This ensures that any alteration to the button code will not work.
The html code for the PayPal buy now buttons can be easily placed on your WordPress pages.
The installation into WordPress is the same as for any plugin as is the procedure for upgrades which ensures the plugin is kept up to date.