With PHP-eSeller, PHP-SecureArea or PHP-KeyCodes, if you get an error during installation where the admin keeps on logging out, it is usually because there is an issue with session variables on your server.
First check using the test file a_session_test.php When the page is first loaded there will be a link, click the link and it should say ‘Welcome back’. If it does not, then it means there is a sessions issue on your server.
There could be a number of reasons for this, usually it is caused by a configuration problem on the server. There should be a folder on the server which is used to store sessions and somtimes the host has not set this correctly. Or it could be that it is a shared server and the server does not know the path.
Contact your hosting and ask them to investigate.
Sometimes they will reply that you include the following code at the top of any PHP script that uses sessions:
session_save_path(“path to session folder”);
If you use session_save_path on the page that registers a variable, you have also to use session_save_path on all the pages, where you access the session-variable. Under win32 you can use the double \\ to specify eg “c:\\temp\\”
This is possible to do but is not really practical.
If they do reply with the above, it is worth asking them again to check the php.ini configuration and also ask if there is a global method where you can set the path and where you do not have to change every instance in the application.
One possible solution is to set the session.save_path in an .htaccess file. You may not have access to the php.ini file so this may be the way to do it. You can do that in the .htaccess file, which is kind of configuration file for Apache, and put it in your root web folder.
If you add :
php_value session.save_path /home/groups/f/f4/f4l/tmp/
where the folder name is the absolute path to the folder. You should be able to get the absolute path by logging into your control panel.