PHP / MySQL web applications



Sell digital downloads

PHP Shopping Cart digital delivery system

A PHP shopping cart system to sell digital downloads and physical goods from your web site.

Subscription manager

Subscription Manager System

A PHP subscription manager application to control login to folders on your web site using PayPal subscription payments.

Sell software license codes

Sell License Key Codes, mobile pin numbers

A PHP application to sell software license key codes, phone codes or other pre-generated keys from your web site.


ebook - PHP Tutorials: Programming with PHP and MySQL

ebook on php programming

An eBook on PHP and MySQL covering many aspects of programming available as a Kindle or PDF download and a physical book.

ebook - jQuery e-Commerce Shopping Cart

jQuery e-Commerce Shopping Cart

An eBook look that looks at creating a shopping cart using jQuery, HTML and CSS.

ebook - HTML Beginners: Basics of Web Design

ebook on html begineers

An eBook on HTML web design and application of styles available as a Kindle or PDF download.


PHP eCommerce Shopping Cart

PHP-eSeller is a PHP/MySQL application used to sell digital downloads (such as mp3, software, ebooks, pdf, graphics, video etc), and physical (tangible) items after payment through a PHP shopping cart.

Benefits :

  • Add buy now buttons by hand to an existing web design
  • Or display products using a fully featured PHP shopping cart
  • Look and feel of PHP shopping cart is easily modified by an html template system
  • All transactions are checked to prevent fraud and spoofing
  • Location of digital files are hidden and cannot be deduced by casual browsers of the web site
  • Downloads are limited by time and number of attempts
  • All completed sales are recorded in the database
  • Customer is sent an email with a link to the download area
  • All pages written in PHP and script is NOT encrypted

PHP-eSeller is for :

  • Anyone looking to integrate a digital shopping cart system into an existing web site
  • Sellers who wish to add a powerful PHP shopping cart to their site
  • Site designers who need to quickly add a system for their clients
  • Bands and musicians who wish sell their music on line from their own site

System requirements

logo for linux  logo for windows

  • PHP 7 and 8
  • Apache web server or Windows IIS
  • An SSL certificate on your web server to use https for communications with PayPal
  • mySQL database version 5 or higher
  • Linux, FreeBSD or Windows operating system on the web server
  • A Paypal Business or Premier account (if using PayPal) sign up here.
  • Email functionality on the web server so that the PHP scripts can send out emails to customers.
  • Most web hosts now have PHP and mySQL as standard so you should not have any issue in finding a basic web hosting plan. We have found web hosts such as and to meet requirements. Email us if you require advice.

Further information

documentation Detailed documentation»

on line demosOnline Demos »

pricing of shopping cartPricing »

contactsContacts »

customersCustomer List »

PHP Subscription manager

PHP-SecureArea is a PHP membership script which allows authorized members to login to a secure area of a web site after the purchase of a PayPal subscription.

Benefits :

  • Create as many secure membership areas as you like, each with differing costs and time limits
  • Subscriptions can be either on a recurring (installments) or non-recurring basis
  • Members are automatically added after a confirmed PayPal payment via ipn
  • Login to secure area is automatically ended when the subscription period is complete
  • Members may be added and removed manually
  • All completed sales are recorded in the database
  • In built checks to ensure that PayPal payments are valid and to prevent spoofing
  • Customers are automatically sent an email with username / password
  • All pages written in PHP and script is NOT encrypted

PHP-SecureArea is for :

  • Anyone who wishes to have a secure login script to areas of their web site
  • Web designers who need a membership PHP script which is straight forward to install and use
  • Sellers who require paid subscription login to defined areas of their web site.

System requirements

logo for linux

  • PHP 7 and 8
  • Apache web server or similar.
  • An SSL certificate on your web server to use https for communications with PayPal.
  • mySQL database version 3.23 or higher.
  • Linux or FreeBSD operating system (not Windows) on the web server.
  • A Paypal Business or Premier account - sign up here.
  • Customers require a validated PayPal account and credit card to be able to set up subscriptions.
  • Email functionality on the web server so that the PHP scripts can send out emails to customers.
  • If you are looking for a suitable host for you site, I would recommend. the basic web hosting plan from or which have the required features for this application.

Further information

documentationDetailed documentation »

on line demosOnline Demos »

pricing of subscription managerPricing »



Sell software lincese key codes online

PHP-KeyCodes is a PHP/MySQL application which is used to sell key codes, such as software keys, pin numbers, or phone pin numbers automatically with PayPal.

Benefits :

  • The pin number is automatically sent to the customer by email after successful purchase with PayPal.
  • A purchased pin number is removed from the database allowing the next pin number to be purchased.
  • Simple to configure and install.
  • Administration displays show sales and transactions.
  • Administration displays are responsive design and hence work will on mobile devices
  • Built in testing facilities to check the operation.
  • all transactions are checked to prevent fraud and spoofing
  • All payments and credit card transactions are handled by PayPal
  • All pages written in PHP and script is NOT encrypted

PHP-KeyCodes is for :

  • Site designers who require a system that is easy to install and maintain
  • Anyone who wishes to sell license key codes from their web site
  • Sellers who want an easy method of creating a purchase system on their site.

System requirements

logo for windows

  • PHP 7 and 8
  • Apache web server
  • An SSL certificate on your web server to use https for communications with PayPal
  • MySQL database version 3.23 or higher
  • Linux, FreeBSD or Windows operating system on the web server
  • A Paypal Business or Premier account - sign up here.
  • Email functionality on the web server so that the PHP scripts can send out emails to customers.
  • If you are looking for a suitable host for you site, I would recommend the basic web hosting plan from siteground which has all the required features for this application.

Further information

documentation Detailed documentation »
on line demos Online Demos »
pricing of license code seller Pricing »
contacts Contacts »

A WordPress Plugin to sell software key codes

WordPress PHP-KeyCodes is a WordPress plugin designed to sell key codes, such as software keys, pin numbers, or phone pin numbers automatically with PayPal.

The Plugin is similar to the stand alone version also available from this web site.

System requirements

You should have the latest version of WordPress on your web server.


ebook - PHP Tutorials: Programming with PHP and MySQL


This Kindle book is a set of tutorials covering aspects of PHP programming and using MySQL with PHP to create dynamic web applications. The eBook is currently available through Amazon Kindle store and a physical version of the book is also available. The book covers the following:

Introduction - Variables, programming techniques and so on
Forms and PHP - Posting data between forms
Basic PHP structures - include files and how to use them
SQL and MySQL - Querying database tables using SQL
Using PHP and MySQL - Connecting to MySQL with PHP
Further PHP and MySQL - More PHP and MySQL
Error handling and debugging - Simple methods to find errors
Cookies and sessions - When and where to use them
Modifying Records - Editing and updating databases with PHP and SQL
Classes - An introduction to object orientated programming
File Handling - Reading and writing to text files
Regular Expressions and Validation - Some validation methods
SQL Injection - Some methods to overcome this issue
JQuery - An introduction to JQuery

ebook - jQuery e-Commerce Shopping Cart


This Kindle book illustrates the various technologies needed to create a complete shopping cart application using front-end web programming based on JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The eBook is currently available through Amazon store and covers the following:

Introduction - Basic concepts
Responsive Web Design - Displaying on different devices
Using jQuery to Manipulate the DOM - The tree-like structure of the web page
jQuery Animation and Other Effects - Using fadeIn, fadeOut and others
Cookies, Session and Local Storage - Advantages and disadvantes of each
JSON Format - Structure of the format
Fetching an external JSON file - Fetching onto an array
Displaying the Web Page - Load JSON and display
Local Storage Shopping Cart - A shopping cart system
PayPal IPN in PHP - A look atPayPal IPN
Shopping Cart with IPN - Adding IPN to the cart system
AJAX and Flickr API - A look at flickr API
Using XAMPP - Install XAMPP


ebook - HTML Beginners: Basics of Web Design


This Kindle book starts with an introduction to HTML and then takes the reader through the concepts of styles and how to apply them. The eBook is currently available through Amazon Kindle store and covers the following:

Introduction - An introduction to HTML.
HTML Tags – A look at standard HTML Tags.
Images and Tables - Using images and creating tables.
Styles and Stylesheets - Different ways to use styles.
Further Styles - Definitions and further examples.
Site Examples - A site layout.
Lists and Menus - Creating navigation.
Graphics – Graphic concepts and Photoshop.
Layouts – Some principles of design.
Adding functionality - JQuery and other features.
htaccess file - Examples of using an htaccess file.
Site set up – Domain names and search optimisation.
Forms – Formatting and layout of forms.
HTML 5 Design – Features of HTML 5.
Responsive Design – A responsive design example.